Things you can do to Improve your Public Speaking- Shiv Khera
While some of us would much rather sprint as quickly as we could in the opposite direction, others of us seem to glow when they are given a microphone and asked to make a toast or deliver a speech. Naturally, how you approach speaking in front of an audience of thousands of people or a boardroom full of your bosses and coworkers depends on your personality. Instead of relying on other people or activities to keep their minds occupied, more introverted individuals frequently keep a lot of ideas in their heads and on their minds. This course from Shiv Khera will tell you how to improve public speaking skills. You won't become a great public speaker overnight by following a single checklist. It requires preparation, practise, and receiving feedback is beneficial. But if you want to know how to improve public speaking skills in any circumstance, it's a good idea to start by keeping in mind these core ideas. Nervousness is a common thing Even the biggest extroverts among us occas...