Leadership programs for Schools- Shiv Khera

 Leadership is the ability to ‘lead’ or influence people. It is the ability to take charge and come up front. A leader is a person who understands the situation and shows the right path to follow to other people. A leader has empathy. Leadership is inspiring people to work together towards an envisioned goal. It is a highly respected and sought-after quality. Leadership is a highly contested concept in the world of business. Effective leadership involves communication and sharing of ideas and thoughts. It helps people follow a set path in order to achieve their goals. It is therefore important to encourage leadership right from the start. It is important to help students learn leadership in schools. 

A school is a child's second home and therefore it is the best place to enhance a child’s skills. Leadership is the skill of engaging people in such a manner that they are inspired to work in the set direction. A leader must be someone who is smart and presentable. He should be a visionary as having a vision helps a leader to determine the path forward for the entire team. They must also have critical thinking. It helps in avoiding the problems that can happen as well as it also helps in dealing with any unforeseen circumstance. 

We should encourage leadership in schools. It is important to impart the right skills to students so that they are able to achieve great things in life. They need to learn the right values so that they can lead meaningful lives. Valuables are temporary but values always stay. 

The importance of leadership is so much that t should be made a part of the curriculum. Through this, we can not only make sure that the students learn the right values and set of skills but we can also ensure that we are building the leaders of tomorrow. Therefore the Shiv Khera Leadership programs for schools are the best choice when it comes to teaching students the right way to achieve great things in life. 

Shiv Khera is a renowned Indian author, motivational speaker, and also activist. One of his best-known works is You can Win. He also launched a movement against caste-based reservation in India and has appeared in various interviews for his commendable idea of having the right attitude and how to achieve great things in life. One of the most famous lines of Shiv Khera is “Winners don’t do different things, Winners do things differently.” He says that one does not need to do great things, he just needs to do simple things in a great way. In a way nobody else does. 

“Our Children Need Values More Than Valuables. If You Prepare Them Early, You Won’t Have To Repair Them Later. Where Do You Prepare Them? In Schools And Colleges!” 

- Mr. Shiv Khera

It is a transformational way to achieve new things in life by overcoming the challenges that one might face. Everyone faces downfalls in their lives but they must learn to get up move past these challenges and learn from them. The Leadership program of Shiv Khera teaches important skills to students such as Stress Handling, Public Speaking, Assertiveness Training, Conflict Management, Giving & Receiving Constructive Feedback, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Emotional Control & Self Discipline, Team Building, Turning Setbacks into Comebacks and so much more. 

It is so important for a student to learn these skills in life in order to turn their dreams into reality. The good values sown in the young minds last for a lifetime. Hence, it is a must to develop a ‘Can Do’ attitude so that they approach everything with the right mindset. The right attitude and a ‘Can do’ attitude also help in gaining confidence to do anything in this world. Having the confidence and belief that you can achieve anything is a half battle already won. Some of the amazing values imparted in Shiv Khera’s Leadership program for schools are Motivation, Communication, Self Esteem, Personality & Character Building, Goal Setting & Achieving, Leadership & Empowerment, Values & Vision, Relationship Building, Time Management, Success handling, and Right attitude for students.. 

The students are taught each of these great values and skills in a very systematic and precise way. This ensures that they are able to learn the implementation of these in real life. They make this happen through Group Activities & Presentations, Lectures, Role Plays, and Audio-Visual Presentations. This makes learning easy and interactive. After successfully completing the course the students will receive a certificate. In addition, these courses are conducted on-site, so there is no need for students to travel to a different location. All these factors make this course a must-have for all school students. This course comprises values that will help them in becoming successful in their lives. 

To know more about Shiv Khera and the Leadership program for Schools, visit- https://shivkhera.com/ and get in touch by leaving an enquiry.


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